Palliative/End of Life Care

​ Suffering from a terminal or chronic illness can be painful and stressful for you and your loved ones. Sisters Care Services palliative care supports you and makes life more comfortable during this difficult time. We provide our services at different stages of illness, whether terminal or curable, and during both pre or post diagnosis, cure, or death and bereavement.

Sisters Care Services values sensitivity in our approach and will endeavour to ensure that you and your loved ones are treated with dignity and respect at all times. We offer this support in the comfort of your own home.

We understand that your family and friends may find it difficult to cope with and understand your condition, and that it may be difficult for you to express your feelings to them for fear of upsetting them. We can help by offering extra support during the illness and also through bereavement.

We will provide an individualised care plan putting your needs, choices and preferences first. We will ensure continuity of care by providing regular staff who will get to know you and your preferences.
Ongoing Support

Care for someone with a long-term or terminal condition can last for a short period or continue for many years. In the initial stages of diagnosis, our nurses and carers can support you during hospital appointments, whilst receiving good or bad news, and support you all throughout your stages of illness to the very end.

We will provide a wide range of services tailored to suit your needs, whether complex care, personal care or simple companionship.

Sisters Care Services can provide 24-hour care where needed.
Multi-Disciplinary Approach

Sisters Care Services is able to work closely with other professionals and palliative care organisations if you are already under their service, as well as social services, local authorities and other charitable organisations, thereby ensuring a consistent approach.
Emergency Response

At Sisters Care Services we offer emergency response services to support terminally ill clients in times of crisis. We react incredibly quickly if a package of care needs to start immediately.

In such cases, Sisters Care Services will carry out an emergency assessment in order to facilitate a faster response, so that you can return home as quickly as possible. We will work with other healthcare professionals such as GPs, hospital doctors and district nurses to ensure all your needs are met.
To find out more about our palliative care services, please contact our dedicated team on 01217523955 or you can request a free brochure.